Mitchells & Butlers has been ranked in the 'Job Crowd' Top 100 Companies for graduates for the third consecutive year.

The annual Job Crowd listing is based entirely on thousands of reviews written by graduates in the first three years of work at hundreds of UK graduate employers. Mitchells & Butlers has ranked 56th overall from 100 best companies graduates can work for and secured second place within the Retail sector.

The award is great recognition for the company and its corporate graduate programme. As part of the award, Mitchells & Butlers' graduates reviews are listed on the Job Crowds website for its graduate viewers to read and distributed to over 70,000+ students at 140 Universities - helping us to continue to attract the best future graduate talent to Mitchells & Butlers.

One graduate reviewer summarised their experience of Mitchells & Butlers: "This is a fantastic, passionate, sociable industry to be involved in. It's great to be part of a large company that has a real variety of what they can offer. Whilst there is a set structure for each graduate scheme, there is importance placed on what you personally want to get out of the scheme and your career goals."

More information on Mitchells & Butlers graduate scheme can be found at and for more on the Job Crowd recommendations website go to