Mitchells & Butlers plc

Statement regarding former directors

The breakdown in relationships between the directors of the Company in late 2009 resulted in the removal of Denis Jackson, Ray MacSharry, Richard McGuire and Douglas E McMahon from the Board. We asked Freshfields to review the relevant circumstances and we accept that the directors acted in what they believed to be the best interests of Mitchells & Butlers plc.

We would like to make it clear that nothing has come to our attention that would prevent any of these former directors from serving as credible and capable independent directors of listed companies in the future, including Mitchells & Butlers plc. All parties have agreed that the Company's and shareholders interests are best served at this time in supporting the current Board structure and its strategy.

The Company has made a payment towards the personal costs and expenses of certain of these former directors. We wish to place on record our thanks for the contribution made by each of these directors. We regret the manner in which their appointments came to an end and we wish them well in the future.

For further information, please contact:

Corporate Affairs:
Erik Castenskiold
0121 498 6513
James Murgatroyd (Finsbury Group)
0207 251 3801

Notes for editors:

Mitchells & Butlers owns and operates around 2,000 high quality pubs in prime locations nationwide. The Group's predominantly freehold, managed estate is biased towards large pubs in residential locations. With around 3% of the pubs in the UK, Mitchells & Butlers has over 10% of industry sales and average weekly sales per pub almost four times greater than that of the average UK pub.
Mitchells & Butlers' leading portfolio of brands and formats includes Ember Inns, Harvester, Sizzling Pub Co., Toby Carvery, Vintage Inns, Crown Carveries, All Bar One, O'Neill's, Nicholson's and Browns. In addition, Mitchells & Butlers operates a large number of individual city centre and residential pubs.