In the foreground, two guests laugh over glasses of wine. In the background, a family is sitting around a table.
In the foreground, two guests laugh over glasses of wine. In the background, a family is sitting around a table.


Here’s where you’ll find all the latest Mitchells & Butlers news as well as comprehensive media resources.

From brand imagery to logos, film requests to financial performance information…

Our media asset library is extensive and regularly updated, with detailed banks of imagery and information for journalists. News and location/production teams will also find concise instructions for those wishing to film at our pubs and premises.

If you don’t discover exactly what you’re looking for, please get in touch with one of our media contacts below.

A guests smile at a team member as they reach for their drink, sitting in a deep blue booth.

Image Library

Our large bank of imagery and logos for journalists and media outlets of all kinds.

Two women sit outside on white cushions, speaking to someone off camera. In the foreground, there's a bottle of water and a red flower.

Film Requests

Make an application to film in our pubs and read our FAQs on how to submit a request.

A family sit around a table together, laughing and sharing drinks. One woman is holding a fruity cider with ice.

About Us

Find out more about the Mitchells & Butlers story & the people who make the magic happen for our customers.

Friends smile at each other over drinks on a sunny day. In the background, a bottle is chilling in an ice bucket.

Reports & Results

Read up-to-date information on our financial performance at Mitchells & Butlers.

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Media Contacts

General Company enquiries

If your query relates to our advertising or marketing activities, please contact the marketing department via the Company switchboard telephone number above. This will ensure your enquiry is answered as quickly as possible.

+44 (0)121 498 4000 (switchboard)
Financial media enquiries

Finsbury Group

+44 (0)20 7251 3801
Out of hours media enquiries

Duty Press Officer - 19:00hrs to 08:00hrs

+44 (0)121 516 8318