Launched on Friday 10th June, in line with National Childhood Day, Toby Carvery’s 153 restaurants across the UK turned green to raise awareness of NSPCC and the incredible work they do to keep children safe. 

From donning green uniforms and decorating the restaurants interior to turning the iconic Toby Carvery logo green on social media, Toby Carvery kickstarted its commitment to raising £50,000 for the NSPCC over the course of its 12-month partnership. 

The family favourite chain is hoping to support the charity’s lifechanging work as one call from a child costs £4 and the NSPCC receives a call every 25 seconds, equivalent to 3,456 calls a day!  

Martin Gosling, Operations Director at Toby Carvery, said “At the Home of the Roast, we’re all about coming together and we would like to do our part in making a huge impact to vulnerable children’s lives. 

“We are proud to announce our partnership with the NSPCC who provide such impactful support to those children and their families across the UK. We hope that our guests will get behind us and help us reach our £50k target to provide such vital funds to such an important cause.  

“Our teams across the UK are planning lots of fundraising activities, including a fundraising fortnight in August so keep an eye out for more information on how you can play your part.” 

Danielle Hindle, NSPCC Midlands Fundraiser for Regional Corporate Partnerships, added: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have launched this partnership with Toby Carvery on Childhood Day. This is the NSPCC’s landmark day where families, friends and colleagues celebrate childhood by organising events to raise money and help keep children safe. 

“Toby Carvery’s support will help our work ensuring children have safe and happy childhoods and letting families know where to turn when they need support. Sadly, home is not a safe place for every child and this partnership will help to raise awareness and vital funds to help protect children from abuse and neglect. 

“It was brilliant to see Toby Carvery colleagues get behind the partnership by decorating their restaurants and wearing NSPCC t-shirts and we’re very excited about all that we have planned for over the year.” 

To find out more about Toby Carvery and NSPCC’s partnership, click here: